About Me
$ whois gamerdonkey
Coder, maker, science enthusiast, and human pretending to be a donkey on the internet. Not necessarily in that order. I have strong opinions on timezones but enough sense to not bring them up in casual conversation.
I've been interested in computers and technology for a long time; long enough that I'm probably getting old. I also like nature and being outside to experience it directly. There's a park nearby with my favorite tree.
I'm still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. I've held down a couple corporate jobs over the years. I enjoyed my work on escape rooms, and I hope to get back into that or other interactive displays and props. My biggest hope is to build things that help people learn, grow, and be happier.
If you're wondering about the name, I came up with it when I was like twelve. I played more games back then but I've just kind of stuck with it since.
$ find /var/www -name "gamerdonkey"
You can contact me at my username on google's email service or by finding me on one of the sites below.